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21. 达芬奇调色教程-从0到大神几套课程

张增光达芬奇调色中文教程1080P(32集全集)何清超达芬奇教程204种电影调色LUT预设Professional Luts Collection138种电影大片级专业电影LUTs调色预设 Teal And Orange电影级精细化调整策略宣传片、广告级风格化调整过几种典型场景学习调色调色原理与示波器的观察方法达芬奇标准工作流程
https://www.lasee.net/qita/169562630816554.html - 2023-09-25 - qita

22. Lisa英语美语发音课程(内含保罗·格鲁伯的美音教学)

Lisa美语发音课程保罗·格鲁伯美语发音教学Pronunciation Workshop斯坦福大学Andy美语发音教学
https://www.lasee.net/qita/169561393716549.html - 2023-09-25 - qita

23. 慕课网2022年前端工程师【完结】

https://www.lasee.net/qita/169459123316326.html - 2023-09-13 - qita

24. 慕课网Netty+SpringBoot 开发即时通讯系统

https://www.lasee.net/qita/169260879115804.html - 2023-08-21 - qita

25. B站戴师兄戴你玩转数据分析

https://www.lasee.net/qita/169164768215544.html - 2023-08-10 - qita

26. 英文原著分享

The Moon and Sixpence【月亮和六便士】The Sun Also Rises【太阳照样升起】The Red and the Black【红与黑】The Metamorphosis【变形记】The Three Musketeers [三个火枪手]The Stranger【局外人】The Time Machine【时间机器】The Man of Property【有产业的人】The Mysterious Island【神秘岛】The Master and Margarita
https://www.lasee.net/ebook/169102506515295.html - 2023-08-03 - ebook

27. 从零开始的嵌入式图像处理(PI+QT+OpenCV)实战演练视频课程

https://www.lasee.net/qita/168932618015154.html - 2023-07-14 - qita

28. 优效学院高级架构师视频教程

https://www.lasee.net/qita/168871620014990.html - 2023-07-07 - qita

29. 180本后端必备精品书籍PDF

高性能MySQL黑客攻防技术宝典.Web实战篇鸟哥的Linux私房菜基础篇第三版阿里开源分库表组件Mycat_V1.6.0规划算法_(英)拉瓦利著编程之美设计模式之禅(第2版)编写高质量代码:改善Java程序的151个建议精通lambda表达式:Java多核编程算法导论(第三版)算法的乐趣阿里巴巴Java开发手册(终极版)阿里Java开发规约— 业界公开版看透springMvc
https://www.lasee.net/ebook/168653046614745.html - 2023-06-12 - ebook

30. 2023年4月29日福建省事业单位《综合基础知识》笔试题

https://www.lasee.net/gongwuyuan/168602511214653.html - 2023-06-06 - gongwuyuan

31. 2020年考研英语二真题答案及解析(文字版)

Now that members of Generation Z are graduating college this springthe most commonly-accepted definition says this generation was bom after 1995, give or take a year-the attention has been rising steadily in recent weeks. GenZs are about to hit the street
https://www.lasee.net/yanjiusheng/168472399014365.html - 2023-05-22 - yanjiusheng

32. 2022年江苏省泰州市靖江区《小学英语》考试题

TOKYO, June 8 (Xinhua) -- The Beijing Organizing Committee of the 2022 Olympic and Paralympics Winter Games held a promotion event in the Japanese capital, Tokyo on Saturday to introduce the latest developments in preparation for the Beijing Winter Olympi
https://www.lasee.net/jiaoshi/168387500914210.html - 2023-05-12 - jiaoshi

33. 2022年江苏省泰州市姜堰区《小学英语》考试题

Creativity is the ability to generate novel,useful ideas and innovation is the successful application of those ideas.With this in mind,it is easy to think that technology has made us more creative:the digital revolution has clearly produced a large number
https://www.lasee.net/jiaoshi/168387486514209.html - 2023-05-12 - jiaoshi

34. 2018年12月15日安徽省池州市东至县部分事业单位考试《公共基础知识一》精选题

CPI是居民消费价格指数(Consumer Price Index)的简称,反映的是居民家庭一般所购买的消费品和服务项目价格水平变动情况,并不能反映居民的就业情况。恩格尔系数是指食品支出占家庭总支出的比重,是表示胜过水平高低的一个指标。恩格尔系数越大,生活水平越低。
https://www.lasee.net/gongwuyuan/168179072613262.html - 2023-04-18 - gongwuyuan

35. 考研参考书目 | 《当代教育心理学 第3版》陈琦pdf电子书

陈琦,刘儒德. 2019当代教育心理学 第3版. 北京:北京师范大学出版社, 2019.02.ISBN:9787303241576
https://www.lasee.net/yanjiusheng/167953670712169.html - 2023-03-23 - yanjiusheng

36. 2017年湖北省特岗教师招聘考试《初中英语》真题

The flood ofwomen into the job market has boosted economic growth and changed the society 11many ways. Many in-home jobs that used to be done primarily by women-- 12from family shopping to preparing meals to 13  voluntarywork--still need to be done by som
https://www.lasee.net/jiaoshi/167936736412046.html - 2023-03-21 - jiaoshi

37. 2016年广西特岗教师招聘考试《小学英语》真题

Cut the Carbon Footprint  Everything you do leaves a "carbon footprint" (碳足迹). For example, when you travel in a taxi, the car gives off CO2 into the air. CO2 is a greenhouse gas. Greenhouse gases make the earth become warm. To protect our environment,
https://www.lasee.net/jiaoshi/167929712412001.html - 2023-03-20 - jiaoshi

38. 2017年四川省特岗教师招聘考试《英语》真题

The celebrity (名人) footwear section isprobably the most popular in the entire museum. Started in the 1950s there is awide variety of shoes and boots belonging to everyone from queens andpresidents to pop stars and actors! Most visitors find the celebritie
https://www.lasee.net/jiaoshi/167929638711992.html - 2023-03-20 - jiaoshi

39. 2017年湖北省农村义务教育学校教师招聘考试《中学英语》真题及答案(精选)

The flood ofwomen into the job market has boosted economic growth and changed the society 11many ways. Many in-home jobs that used to be done primarily by women-- 12from family shopping to preparing meals to 13  voluntarywork--still need to be done by som
https://www.lasee.net/jiaoshi/167902672611861.html - 2023-03-17 - jiaoshi

40. 2017年6月3日湖南长沙宁乡县教师招聘《小学英语》题

The rough guide to marketing success used to be that you got what you paid for. No longer. While traditional “paid” media such as television commercials and print advertisements still play a major role, companies today can exploit many alternative forms o
https://www.lasee.net/jiaoshi/167901795211812.html - 2023-03-17 - jiaoshi
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