一、单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 1 I accidentally found a photo that mymother took of ______ when I was a student. A、her B、hers C、me D、mine 2 ______ time going by, I began to realizewhat really matters in my life. A、While B、When C、As D、With 3 There are two small rooms in the beachhouse, ______serves as a kitchen. A、the smaller of which B、a smaller of which C、the smaller of them D、smaller of that 4 She won´t be available between 6 and 8,for she ______ an important meeting. A、has had B、had had C、would have had D、will be having 5 The senior citizen would have beenkilled ______ the timely arrival of the rescue team. A、except for B、but for C、besides D、except 6 ______ that he would get a promotionsoon, he felt grateful and worked even harder. A、Having convinced B、Been convinced C、Convincing D、Convinced 7 --I´m deadly tired, I can´t walk anyfurther, Jenny. -- ______ ! Tommy. You can do it. A、No problem B、Come on C、No hurry D、That's OK 8 I find it astonishing ______ she shouldbe so rude to you. A、which B、what C、that D、if 9 The deserter was ______ of running awaywhen the enemy attacked. A、scolded B、charged C、considered D、accused 10 It ______ be quite cold in winter eventhough the city is in Hainan Province. A、shall B、should C、can D、must 11 Most of them know they should resistthe temptation to spend more than they can earn, but knowing that isn´t muchhelp ______ it comes to shopping on line. A、before B、since C、when D、after 12 She teaches in a remote area, where______ a lake. A、lies B、lays C、does lie D、does lay 13 I knew ______ Donald Trump, but not______ famous one. A、/; a B、a; the C、/; the D、the; a 14 Which of the following words is NOT acompound word? A、inefficient B、breakthrough C、grassland D、keyhole 15 ______ is NOT included in Shakespeare´sgreat four tragedies. A、King Lear B、Romeo and Julie C、Macbeth D、Othello 二、完形填空(共15小题。每小题1分。满分15分) 阅读以下短文,从短文后每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中。选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 16 根据以下材料,回答{TSE}题 I remember being a student teacher in1974, sitting for two weeks in the back of my cooperating teacher´s classroomwatching her teach carefully before I had my chance to try. Her lessons flowed 16from beginning to end, leading me to believe that teaching would be easy. Iremember how 17 I was the first time I stood in front of25 ninth-graders and attempted to teach them Spanish. My lesson wasn´t awful, but it was far fromgraceful and 18. Teaching is a highly complex 19 and only the teacher who is veryskilled can make it appear so simple. How do effective teachers 20 the skillsthat make their lessons appear easy and appropriate for all students in theclass? 21 , a lot can be learnedfrom attending university classes, 22 conferences and workshops, readingprofessional literature,23 experienced teachers, discussing 24 and ideas with others and, ofcourse, reflecting 25 one´s own teaching. However, some of the most importantlessons that teachers learn do not come from these standard 26 --they come fromthe students themselves. Most students are probably not aware of theimportant role they 27 in the training of teachers. However, to the wiseteacher, the classroom is a 28 in which various approaches and strategies are29 and refined and in which students communicate, in clear as well as subtleways, whether a lesson was a success, a failure, or 30 in between. {TS} A、rapidly B、steadily C、freely D、endlessly 17 A、excited B、surprised C、inspired D、scared 18 A、hopeless B、meaningless C、cheerless D、effortless 19 A、problem B、activity C、result D、necessity 20 A、develop B、require C、increase D、stimulate 21 A、Frankly B、Personally C、Previously D、Obviously 22 A、acting on B、focusing on C、joining in D、looking for 23 A、observing B、guiding C、judging D、controlling 24 A、issues B、designs C、tasks D、goals 25 A、to B、upon C、from D、by 26 A、origins B、sources C、supplies D、products 27 A、make B、lead C、play D、have 28 A、factory B、history C、laboratory D、documentary 29 A、purified B、qualified C、reviewed D、tested 30 A、anywhere B、everywhere C、somewhere D、nowhere 三、阅读理解(共12小题,每小题2分,满分24分)阅读下列短文。从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 31 根据以下材料,回答{TSE}题 If you have a problem, don´t worry! Itis easy to say if you don´t have one yourself. But there are only a few peoplewho don´t have troubles. We call them cemeteries. Believe it or not, most of yourproblems may actually be good for you! You may know about the Great Barrier Reef,running some 1800 miles from New Guinea to Australia. Visitors are often takento see the reef. On one tour, one visitor asked an interesting question. "I notice that the lagoon side ofthe reef looks pale and lifeless, while the ocean side is lively and colorful.Why is this?" The guide answered: "The coral aroundthe lagoon side is in still water. It dies early with no challenge to itssurvival. The coral on the ocean side is always being worn by wind, waves and storms.It has to fight for its survival every day. As it is challenged, it changes andgrows healthy, and it grows strong." He added, "That´s the way it iswith every living thing." It is the same with people. Challenged andtoughened, we come alive! Like coral by the sea, we grow. Physical problemsmake for a stronger body. Stress makes for a stronger mind. So, if you have problems,it´s no problem! Just tell yourself, "There I grow again!" {TS} The author´s attitude towardproblems can be described as ______. A、indifferent B、neutral C、positive D、pessimistic 32 In the writer´s opinion, the people whodon´t have troubles are ______. A、the persons who go to Great Barrier Reef B、the persons who have passed away C、the persons who are being tested D、the persons who are healthy 33 The ocean side of the reef is livelyand colorful because______. A、it is in still water B、it has no challenge to its survival C、it has a lot of sunshine D、it has to fight for its survival everyday 34 After reading this passage, we should______. A、live in our comfort zone B、live in the ocean side of the reef C、face the test and challenge bravely D、stay away from any trouble 35 根据以下材料,回答{TSE}题 In any country, the "standard ofliving" means the average person´s share of the goods and services whichthe country produces. Therefore, a country´s standard of living depends firstand foremost on its capacity to produce wealth. "Wealth" in thissense is not money, but "goods" such as food and clothing, and"services" such as transport and entertainment. The capacity to produce wealth depends uponmany factors, most of which have an effect on one another. To a great extent,wealth depends upon a country´s natural resources, such as coal, gold, andother minerals, water supply and so on. Some regions of the world are wellsupplied with coal and minerals, and some are not. Next to natural resources comes the abilityto turn them to use. Some countries are perhaps well off in natural resources,but unable to develop their resources. They suffered for many years from civiland external wars. Peaceful political and stable conditions enable a country todevelop its natural resources effectively, and to produce more wealth thananother country equally well served by nature but less well ordered. Anotherimportant factor is the technical efficiency of a country´s people.Industrialized countries that have trained numerous skilled workers andtechnicians produce wealth more than countries whose workers are largelyunskilled. A country´s standard of living does notonly depend upon the wealth that is produced and consumed within its ownborders, but also upon what is indirectly produced through international trade. For instance, Britain´s wealth isfoodstuffs and other agricultural products would be much less if she had todepend only on those grown at home. Trade makes it possible for her surplusmanufacture goods to be traded abroad for the agricultural products. In thisaspect, a country´s wealth is much influenced by its manufacturing capacity,provided that other countries can be found ready to accept its manufactures. {TS} The standard of living in a countryis determined by ______. A、its goods and services B、the type of wealth produced C、how well it can create wealth D、what an ordinary person can share 36 A country´s capacity to produce wealthdepends on all the factors EXCEPT FOR ______ A、people's share of its goods B、political and social stability C、qualities of its workers D、use of natural resources 37 According to the passage, besides thecapacity of wealth production, ______play an equally important role indetermining a country´s standard of living. A、farm products B、industrial goods C、foodstuffs D、export and import 38 The manufacturing capacity may be a keyfactor to a higher standard of living when one country ______ A、has traded her manufacture B、has established her wealth C、has been an industrialized one D、has produced surplus manufactured goods 39 根据以下材料,回答{TSE}题 One of the greatest contributions ofFreud is that he elaborated the structure of human psyche as "Id","Ego" and "Superego". "Ego" is the natural humanpsychological characteristic that changes everything in its way and makeseveryone a victim to undesirable consequences in their life. The pride andself-esteem if they are overrated in our mind will be shown in the form of Ego.The Human Ego conceals our "natural intellect" to create falseownership over every object. Here is an interesting story which couldillustrate the case. Once there was a scientist who worked hardall through his life to make exact human physical body replicas of himself. Hemastered the art so perfectly that one could not easily tell the replica fromthe original. According to the natural process, the Angel Death knocked at hisdoor. The Angel Death felt puzzled by looking at the thirteen same persons.Obviously unable to recognize the original person, the Angel returned in vain.The scientist got the illusion that he can avoid death easily. Nevertheless the Angel Death who has clearunderstanding of human life did not give up and came back with a trick Sheagain approached the scientist and was staring at the thirteen human figures. Then she told the scientist, "You havemanaged everything correctly but you could not avoid a small flaw whilereproducing yourself´. The scientist hurriedly spoke out the small flaw that itwas impossible in his work. Then he was caught by Angel Death. The Ego blinds us to hide reality, so wetend to make small mistakes though we are given greater skills and strength.Therefore each one of us has to be careful about our accomplishments andachievements so that we don´t make us blind toward this living world whereevery individual is presented upon with equal grace and strength. Thus we haveto decrease the feeling of "All is I" and increase the feeling of"I am nothing before All", which makes us proud of everything wehave. {TS} The first paragraph serves asa(n) ______. A、explanation B、introduction C、comment D、background 40 Why did the scientist reproducehimself? A、To make the Angel Death feel confused. B、To show his own skills to make replicas. C、Not mentioned clearly in the passage. D、To avoid the small flaws of hisoriginal. 41 How did the Angel Death find out theoriginal of the scientist? A、By her own naked eyes. B、By finding the flaw of the scientist. C、By cheating the scientist. D、By making small mistakes. 42 What was the author´s suggestion forus? A、We should reduce the feeling of Ego. B、We should feel proud of what we have. C、We should try to hide the reality facingus. D、We should find other's grace andstrength. 四、翻译(满分10分)将短文中画线的句子译成中文。 43 根据以下材料,回答{TSE}题 It was a cool October evening in the hillcountry of southwest Mississippi. (43) Early frost had turned leaves to agolden hue. (44) The view was astounding from the high bluff known asHowitt´s Mountains. (45) Henry and I gazed out over the misty swampbordering a stream several hundred feet below. (46) Beyond the greengrassland stretched across the bottom land to the banks of a small river.(47) We were there setting up a rough base camp. {TS}第43题翻译是 44 第44题翻译是 45 第45题翻译是 46 第46题翻译是 47 第47题翻译是 五、书面表达(满分20分) 48 In a teaching training, David Nunanasked a question: "What do you do?" One of the audiences answered: "I teach English." David Nunansaid: "No, you teachkids." What do you do think of Nunan´s reply? Write a composition inEnglish of no less than 150 words without any personal information. 六、教学设计(满分20分) 49 根据下面的语言素材,用英语完成以下的设计任务(设计意图可以用中文表达)。 1.确定这节课的教学目标; 2.根据所确定的教学目标,设计教学过程并说明设计意图。 Teacher: So what do you think about thestory of Yu Gong? Wang Ming: I think it´s really interesting.Yu Gong found a good way to solve his problem. Claudia: Really? I think it´s a little bitsilly. It doesn´t seem very possible to move a mountain. Wang Ming: But the story is trying to showus that anything is possible if you work hard! Yu Gong kept trying and didn´t give up. Claudia: Well, I still don´t agree withyou. I think we should try to find other ways to solve a problem. Wang Ming: But what could Yu Gong do insteadof moving the mountains? Claudia: Well, there are many other ways.For example, he could build a road. That´s better and faster than moving amountain. Teacher: You have different opinions aboutthe story and neither of you are wrong. There are many sides to a story andmany ways to understand it. 七、教学案例分析(满分16分) 50 以下是一篇八年级的阅读材料以及教学片段,请用中文从以下方面进行评析。 1.阅读教学模式; 2.活动设计。 阅读材料: The shortest player in the NBA Spud Webb was born in Texas in 1963. He wasvery small--much smaller than the other kids at school. However, he had a bigdream--he wanted to play in the NBA. While attending junior high, Spud tried outfor the school team, but he was refused to play at first because he was toosmall. He did not lose heart. When he finally got the chance, he scored 20points in his first game. From then on, he was the star of the team. In senior high, Spud often had to sit inthe stands because of his height. He practiced even harder and got the coach tochange his mind. Spud went on to become leader of the team. In his last year ofsenior high, he was named player of the Year in Texas. However, no university would invite him toplay basketball simply because he was only 170 cm tall. He decided to play at ajunior college. There he led his team to the national championship. Thisbrought him to the attention of North Carolina State University. As a result,he succeeded in getting a scholarship. Although he was a great player atuniversity, the NBA was not interested in him because all its players were morethan 20 cm taller than he was. After he graduated, he was forced to play inanother basketball league. He remained there for about a year before the NBAtook notice of him. In 1985, he joined the Atlanta Hawks and became theshortest player in the NBA at that time. He had many great achievements, buthis proudest moment came in 1986--he won the Slam Dunk Contest. Through hard work, Spud Webb proved thatsize and body type does not matter—you can do almost anything if you never giveup. 教学片段: Step I Pre-reading: 1. Students listen to a song and answer the following questions: What is the song about? What are yourdreams and goals? 2. Teacher divides the class into groups of 4 and sets a goal forthem. The groups will have competition to get the cup of the basketball matchas reward. 3. Students fill in the KWI chart then talk about what they know andwant to know about the topic on Spud Webb and NBA in pairs. Step Ⅱ While-reading: 1. Students try to give a proper title to the article after readingthe first and last paragraphs. 2. Students answer the following questions to learn to criticizestereotype that the height is the key to success for a basketball player. (1) What do basketball players look like? (2) Which player will you choose, theshorter one or the taller one, if you are the coach of the NBA? (3) Is it easy for Potato Webb to achievehis dream? 3. Students predict what would happen to Spud before reading thefollowing 4 paragraphs. Then do the jigsaw in the group. 4. Students try to work out the key clues which lie in eachparagraph. Students learn to draw a mind-map of the structure of the article asfollows: 5. Students do a crossword puzzle by guessing the meaning of the newvocabulary in bold from the context with the help of English explanation given. 6. Students check their reading comprehension by playing a gamecalled Basketball Journey. Step Ⅲ Post-reading: (1) Students try to introduce the story ofSpud Webb with the help of their group mates. (2) Students discuss the question ingroups: What do you want to say to these people, Spud Webb, the coach whorefused him and the coach who received him7 (3) Finishing the question "What haveyou learned about Spud Webb and NBA "in KWL chart, students come to have ascientific attitude that hard work and persistence are the key to success. Step IV Homework (1) Retell Spud Webb´s story, record theirvoice and send the recording to teacher´s E-mail. (2) Read more articles online about thosewho never give up.
1、C2、D3、A4、D5、B6、D7、B8、C9、D10、C11、C12、A13、B14、A15、B16、C17、A18、D19、B20、A21、D22、C23、A24、A25、B26、B27、C28、C29、D30、C31、C32、B33、D34、C35、C36、A37、D38、D39、B40、C41、C42、B 1 考查代词。根据语境可知,照片是“妈妈”给“我”拍的,所以排除A、B;take a photo ofsb.“给某人照相”,此处缺少的是人称代词而不是物主代词。此处人称代词在介词之后,应该用宾格,故选C。句意为“我偶然发现了一张当我还是个学生时,妈妈给我拍的照片”。 2 考查介词with的用法。句意为“随着时间的流逝,我开始意识到我生命中真正重要的是什么”。这里是介词短语作伴随状语,相当于as time goes by。 3 考查非限制性定语从句和冠词用法。旬意为“在海滩度假屋里有两间小房子,其中较小的那间充当厨房”。首先,后半句是一个非限制性定语从句,只能用which引导;其次,表示两者中比较小的那个是特指,用定冠词the修饰,即“the smaller of the two…”。故选A。 4 考查时态。句意为“6点到8点这段时间她不在,因为那时她会参加一个重要的会议”。由 won’t可判断前半句是一般将来时,后半句解释原因,表示在6点到8点那个时间段正在发生的事情,所以用将来进行时,故选D。 5 考查虚拟语气。句意为“要不是救援队及时赶到,那个老人就会被杀了”。此处but for表示“if it were not for”或“if it had not been for”,即“若不是”“要不是”,与虚拟语气连用。exceptfor和except都表示“除了……”,besides意为“除……外,还有……”。根据句意选B。 6 考查过去分词作状语。句意为“确认自己将获得晋升后,他很感激并更加努力地工作”。过去分词或过去分词短语作状语时,表示被动和完成,在句子中一般可以表示时间、原因等,其逻辑主语和句子主语一致。如:Satisfied with what he did,the teacherpraised him in class.由于老师对他所做的事情很满意,于是在班上表扬了他。有些及物动词的过去分词形容词化了,并不强调被动意味,而主要表示一种状态或结果。题干 Convinced that he would get a promotion soon作原因状语,相当于Because he was convinced that he would get a promotion soon,故选D。 7 考查情景交际。句意为“——詹妮,我极度疲劳,一点也走不动了。——加油,汤米!你能行的。”Come on意为“加油,快点”,带有鼓励、鼓动的意味。No problem“没问题”,No hurry“不必着急”,That’s OK“可以,没关系”,均不符合题意。 8 考查宾语从句。句意为“她竟然这样粗暴地对待你,这让我很吃惊”。it为形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的从句。从句里不缺任何成分,故用that引导,选C。 9 考查动词辨析及其惯用搭配。SCOLD“责备,斥责”,惯用搭配为BE SCOLDED FOR“因为做某事而受责备”;CHARGE作“控告、起诉、指责”的意思讲时,惯用搭配为BE CHARGED WITH;CONSIDER“考虑”.惯用搭配为BE CON— SIDE RED AS“被认为”,前三项均属于搭配不当。ACCUSE“控告,指控,谴责”,BE ACCUSED OF'‘被指控”,符合语境。故选 D。句意为“那个逃兵被指控当敌人攻击的时候逃跑了”。 10 考查情态动词。句意为“尽管那个城市在海南省,冬天可能也会相当冷”。shall“将要,将会”,should“应该”,can“能够,会”,must“必须”。根据句意选C。 11 考查习惯用法。before“在……之前”,since“自……以来,自……以后”,when“当……时,在……时”,after“在……之后”。come to意为“涉及,至于”,英语中when it comes to…已经成为一个常见的句式,表示“说到,一提起……”的意思。句意为“大多数人都知道他们应当抵制透支花钱的诱惑,但一到网购时就把这个抛到脑后了”。 12 考查倒装和词义辨析。句意为“她在遥远的地方教书,那里有一个湖”。lie表示“位于,坐落在”,lay表示“放置,安放”,根据词义可排除B、D。where引导定语从句并在从句中作地点状语,地点状语后面如有表示位置的动词(如lie,live,sit,stand)或转移的动词(如come,go,rise),作主语的名词可放在动词之后,即主谓倒装。 13 考查冠词。句意为“我知道一个叫作唐纳德·特朗普的人,但不是那个有名的美国总统”。名为唐纳德·特朗普的人有很多,故为泛指,用a修饰;而叫此名字的美国总统只有一个,是特指,故用the修饰。 14 考查构词法。A项是由否定前缀in.+efficient构成的派生词。其他三项都是合成词,breakthrough(突破)=break(打破)+through(穿过);grassland=grass(草)+land(地);keyhole(钥匙孔)_key(钥匙) +hole(洞)。 15 考查英国文学。莎士比亚的四大悲剧:Hamlet(《哈姆雷特》)、Othello(《奥赛罗》)、King Lear(《李尔王》)、Macbeth(《麦克白》)。另外,他还有四大喜剧:The Merchant of Venice(《威尼斯商人》)、A Mid- summer Night’s Dream(《仲夏夜之梦》)、AsYou Like It(《皆大欢喜》)、TwelfthNight(《第十二夜》)。 16 考查副词辨析。rapidly“迅速地”,steadily“稳定地”,freely“自由地”,endlessly“无穷地,继 续地”。flow有“to develop or be produced in an easy and natural way”之意,即“流畅”之意,在此与freely搭配,可 表示课堂流畅自如。故选C。 17 考查形容词辨析。excited“兴奋的”,surprised“吃惊的”,inspired“有创造力的,有雄心壮志的”。scared“恐惧的.惊恐的”一句中讲“我”第一次站在讲台上,面对25个九年级学生,尝试教他们西班牙语。结合上下文判断“我”的心情应该是很激动的,故选A。 18 考查形容词辨析。hopeless“没有希望的”,meaningless“没有意义的”,cheerless“沉闷的,无乐趣的”,effortless“不费力的,容易的”。上半句说“我”的课绝不糟糕,下半句说但也远没有达到优雅和__________的水平。这里填的词和9raceful并列,而且应该是褒义词,所以只能选effortless,和文中反复出现的easy,simple属于同一语义场。 19 考查名词辨析。problem“问题”,activity“活动”,result“结果”,necessity“必需品”。根据文意,教学是一种很复杂的活动,只有很有经验的教师才能让它变得如此容易,故选B。 20 考查动词辨析。develop“发展,加强”,require“要求”,increase“增加”,stimulate“刺激”。结合下文可知,教师应该通过各种活动来加强自己的教学技能,故选A。 21 考查副词辨析。frankly“坦诚地,真诚地”,pe......